page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181

HSK 4 #1128


页 yè
  • page
  • leaf
页 xié
  • head



地址 wǎng yè dì zhǐ webaddress; URL
设计 wǎng yè shè jì web design
岩气 yè yán qì shale gas
底 yè dǐ the bottom of the page
心 yè xīn type page
框 yè kuàng frame (computing)
蒿 yè hāo caraway
边 yè biān (page) margin
首 yè shǒu the top of the page; (word processing) page header
shǒu yè home page (of a website); title page; front page; first page; fig. beginning; cover letter
huáng yè Yellow Pages
jǐ yè several pages
yí yè one page
zhè yè this page