
forehead; tablet, plaque; fixed


額 é
  • variant of 額|额[e2]
  • forehead
  • horizontal tablet or inscribed board
  • specified number or amount


héng é horizontal tablet (for an inscription)
滿 mǎn é the full amount; to fulfill the quota
焦頭爛 jiāo tóu làn é lit. badly burned about the head (from trying to put out a fire) (idiom); fig. hard-pressed; under pressure (from a heavy workload, creditors etc)
營業 yíng yè é sum or volume of business; turnover
班禪爾德尼 bān chán é ěr dé ní Panchen Erdeni or Panchen Lama; abbr. to 班禪|班禅[Ban1 chan2]
發行 fā xíng é (periodical) circulation
圓尾鸌 bái é yuán wěi hù (bird species of China) bonin petrel (Pterodroma hypoleuca)
燕鷗 bái é yàn ōu (bird species of China) little tern (Sternula albifrons)
雁 bái é yàn (bird species of China) greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)
鸌 bái é hù (bird species of China) streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas)
bēi é the top part of a tablet
kòng é vacancy; unfilled work place
比基金 děng é bǐ jī jīn equality ration fund, a charitable investment fund that can be drawn down in proportion to further donations
選舉 děng é xuǎn jǔ non-competitive election (i.e. with as many candidates as there are seats); single-candidate election
穗鶥 hóng é suì méi (bird species of China) rufous-fronted babbler (Stachyridopsis rufifrons)
金翅雀 hóng é jīn chì què (bird species of China) European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
鳾 róng é shī (bird species of China) velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)
zǒng é total (amount or value)
quē é vacancy
紅尾鴝 lán é hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) blue-fronted redstart (Phoenicurus frontalis)
長腳地鴝 lán é cháng jiǎo dì qú (bird species of China) blue-fronted robin (Cinclidium frontale)
補足 bǔ zú é complement; complementary sum
貿易 mào yì é volume of trade (between countries)
chāo é above quota
利潤 chāo é lì rùn superprofit; excess profit