tóu tou

head; top; chief, first; boss


頭 tóu
  • head
  • hair style
  • the top
  • end
  • beginning or end
  • a stub
  • remnant
  • chief
  • boss
  • side
  • aspect
  • first
  • leading
  • classifier for pigs or livestock
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
頭 tou
  • suffix for nouns


頭 stroke order diagram


噪鴉 hēi tóu zào yā (bird species of China) Sichuan jay (Perisoreus internigrans)
奇鶥 hēi tóu qí méi (bird species of China) rufous sibia (Heterophasia capistrata)
白䴉 hēi tóu bái huán (bird species of China) black-headed ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus)
穗鶥 hēi tóu suì méi (bird species of China) grey-throated babbler (Stachyris nigriceps)
蠟嘴雀 hēi tóu là zuǐ què (bird species of China) Japanese grosbeak (Eophona personata)
角雉 hēi tóu jiǎo zhì (bird species of China) western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus)
金翅雀 hēi tóu jīn chì què (bird species of China) black-headed greenfinch (Chloris ambigua)
鳾 hēi tóu shī (bird species of China) Chinese nuthatch (Sitta villosa)
鵐 hēi tóu wú (bird species of China) black-headed bunting (Emberiza melanocephala)
鵯 hēi tóu bēi (bird species of China) black-headed bulbul (Pycnonotus atriceps)
黃鸝 hēi tóu huáng lí (bird species of China) black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus)
diǎn tóu to nod
之交 diǎn tóu zhī jiāo nodding acquaintance
咂嘴 diǎn tóu zā zuǐ to approve by nodding one's head and smacking one's lips (idiom)
哈腰 diǎn tóu hā yāo to nod one's head and bow (idiom); bowing and scraping; unctuous fawning
招呼 diǎn tóu zhāo hū beckon
bí tou (dialect) nose
qí tóu at the same time; simultaneously; (when stating a quantity that is a round number) exactly
並進 qí tóu bìng jìn to go forward together (idiom); to undertake simultaneous tasks; going hand in hand
式 qí tóu shì treating everyone the same, regardless of individual differences; one-size-fits-all approach; (typesetting) block paragraphs (no indenting, and blank space between each paragraph)
lóng tóu faucet; water tap; bicycle handle bar; chief (esp. of gang); boss; decision maker; (market) leader (of companies); front end of mud-flow; figurehead on prow of dragon boat 龍船|龙船
企業 lóng tóu qǐ yè key enterprises; leading enterprises
老大 lóng tóu lǎo dà big boss; leader of a group; dominant (position)
蛇尾 lóng tóu shé wěi lit. dragon's head, snake's tail (idiom); fig. a strong start but weak finish
鍘 lóng tóu zhá lever-style guillotine decorated with a dragon's head at the hinged end, used to behead criminals related to the emperor