
pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange


頓 dùn
  • to stop
  • to pause
  • to arrange
  • to lay out
  • to kowtow
  • to stamp (one's foot)
  • at once
  • classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal


華盛郵報 huá shèng dùn yóu bào Washington Post (newspaper)
lái dùn Leiden (the Netherlands)
大學 lái dùn dà xué University of Leiden
蒙巴 méng bā dùn Mountbatten (name, Anglicization of German Battenberg); Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1900-1979), British commander in Southeast Asia during WWII, presided over the partition of India in 1947, murdered by the IRA.
西 xī dùn Sidon (Lebanon)
赫芬郵報 hè fēn dùn yóu bào Huffington Post (US online news aggregator)
道爾 dào ěr dùn Dalton (name); John Dalton (1766-1844), British scientist who contributed to atomic theory
chí dùn inactive; obtuse
邁克爾・克萊 mài kè ěr ・ kè lái dùn Michael Crichton (1942-), US techno-thriller writer, author of Jurassic Park
阿斯・馬丁 ā sī dùn ・ mǎ dīng Aston Martin
阿普爾 ā pǔ ěr dùn Appleton (name); Sir Edward Appleton (1892-1965), British physicist, Nobel laureate who discovered the ionosphere
阿靈國家公墓 ā líng dùn guó jiā gōng mù Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC, USA
xuě dùn Lhasa Shoton festival or yogurt banquet, from first of July of Tibetan calendar
節 xuě dùn jié Lhasa Shoton festival or yogurt banquet, from first of July of Tibetan calendar
huò dùn Hotton, Holden, Wharton, Houghton etc (name)
鞍馬勞 ān mǎ láo dùn travel-worn
悟 dùn wù a flash of realization; the truth in a flash; a moment of enlightenment (usually Buddhist)
挫 dùn cuò a transition (stop and change) in spoken sound, music or in brush strokes; a cadence; punctuated by a transition; with syncopated cadence (brush stroke in painting)
挫抑揚 dùn cuò yì yáng cadence; modulation
時 dùn shí immediately; suddenly
河 dùn hé Don River
涅斯克 dùn niè sī kè Donetsk region of W. Ukraine
涅茨克 dùn niè cí kè Donetsk, city in Ukraine
然 dùn rán suddenly; abruptly
號 dùn hào Chinese back-sloping comma 、 (punct. used to separate items in a list)