
laud, acclaim; hymn; ode


頌 sòng
  • ode
  • eulogy
  • to praise in writing
  • to wish (in letters)


chuán sòng to eulogize; to pass on praise
kě sòng croissant (loanword)
管 bā sòng guǎn bassoon (loanword); also written 低音管[di1 yin1 guan3] or 巴松管[ba1 song1 guan3]
榮光 róng guāng sòng Gloria (in Catholic mass)
歌功德 gē gōng sòng dé to sing sb's praises (mostly derogatory)
gē sòng to sing the praises of; to extol; to eulogize
zhù sòng to express good wishes
chēng sòng to praise
聖誕 shèng dàn sòng A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
zàn sòng to bless; to praise
揚 sòng yáng to eulogize; to praise
歌 sòng gē carol
聲載道 sòng shēng zài dào lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere; universal approbation
詞 sòng cí commendation speech; eulogy; ode
贊 sòng zàn to praise
辭 sòng cí variant of 頌詞|颂词[song4 ci2]
xiāng sòng chanson (loanword)
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