target; splashboard on chariot



靶 bǎ
  • target
  • mark


靶 stroke order diagram
靶 stroke order animation


子 bǎ zi target
场 bǎ chǎng shooting range; range
dǎ bǎ target shooting
tuō bǎ to miss; to shoot and miss the target; off the mark
机 bǎ jī target drone
子 chāo bǎ zi (dialect) to do a body search; to frisk
子 huó bǎ zi live target; target (of criticism etc)
xiōng bǎ chest silhouette (used as a target in shooting practice)
tuō bǎ to miss; to shoot and miss the target; off the mark
場 bǎ chǎng shooting range; range
心 bǎ xīn center of target; bull's eye
機 bǎ jī target drone
纸 bǎ zhǐ target sheet
紙 bǎ zhǐ target sheet
船 bǎ chuán target ship
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