
spirit, soul; spiritual world


靈 líng
  • quick
  • alert
  • efficacious
  • effective
  • to come true
  • spirit
  • departed soul
  • coffin


寶 líng bǎo Lingbao county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan
寶市 líng bǎo shì Lingbao county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan
山 líng shān Lingshan county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi
山縣 líng shān xiàn Lingshan county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi
川 líng chuān Lingchuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi
川縣 líng chuān xiàn Lingchuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi
巧 líng qiǎo deft; nimble; ingenious
床 líng chuáng bier; bed kept as it was when the deceased was alive
快 líng kuài agile; quick
性 líng xìng spiritual nature; spirituality; intelligence (esp. in animals)
怪 líng guài a goblin; a spirit
恩 líng ēn Charismatic Christianity
恩派 líng ēn pài Charismatic Movement
感 líng gǎn inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor
感觸發圖 líng gǎn chù fā tú mind map
敏 líng mǐn smart; clever; sensitive; keen; quick; sharp
敏度 líng mǐn dù (level of) sensitivity
柩 líng jiù coffin containing a corpse
棺 líng guān a bier; a catafalque (memorial platform); a coffin
樞經 líng shū jīng the Divine Pivot or Spiritual Pivot, ancient Chinese medical text
機 líng jī sudden inspiration; bright idea; clever trick
機一動 líng jī yī dòng a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave
武 líng wǔ Lingwu county level city in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia
武市 líng wǔ shì Lingwu county level city in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia
氣 líng qì spiritual influence (of mountains etc); cleverness; ingeniousness