
electricity, electric; lightning


  • electricity, electric
  • lightning
  • electric
  • electricity
  • electrical


電 stroke order diagram


hé diàn nuclear power
廠 hé diàn chǎng nuclear power plant
磁脈衝 hé diàn cí mài chōng nuclear electro-magnetic pulse
站 hé diàn zhàn nuclear power plant
荷數 hé diàn hè shù electric charge on nucleus; atomic number
桌上型腦 zhuō shàng xíng diàn nǎo desktop computer
jī diàn machinery and power-generating equipment; electromechanical
歐洲視 ōu zhōu diàn shì European TV; Eurovision
正負子 zhèng fù diàn zǐ electrons and positrons
zhèng diàn positive charge (electricity)
子 zhèng diàn zǐ positron (antiparticle of the electron)
子斷層 zhèng diàn zǐ duàn céng PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)
子照射斷層攝影 zhèng diàn zǐ zhào shè duàn céng shè yǐng positrion emission tomography (PET)
子發射層析 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè céng xī positron emission tomography (PET)
子發射斷層照相術 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè duàn céng zhào xiāng shù positron emission tomography (PET)
子發射計算機斷層 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè jì suàn jī duàn céng PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)
子發射體層 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè tǐ céng PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)
每日訊報 měi rì diàn xùn bào Daily Telegraph (newspaper)
水上單車 shuǐ shàng diàn dān chē see 水上摩托車|水上摩托车[shui3 shang4 mo2 tuo1 che1]
水力發 shuǐ lì fā diàn hydroelectricity
水力發站 shuǐ lì fā diàn zhàn hydroelectric power plant
shuǐ diàn hydroelectric power; plumbing and electricity
工 shuǐ diàn gōng plumbing and electrical work; tradesman who does both plumbing and electrical work
站 shuǐ diàn zhàn hydroelectric power plant
永久虛路 yǒng jiǔ xū diàn lù Permanent Virtual Circuit; PVC