
electricity, electric; lightning


  • electricity, electric
  • lightning
  • electric
  • electricity
  • electrical


電 stroke order diagram


半島視台 bàn dǎo diàn shì tái Al Jazeera (Arabic news network)
南京郵大學 nán jīng yóu diàn dà xué Nanjing Post and Communications University
印刷路板 yìn shuā diàn lù bǎn printed circuit board
印製路 yìn zhì diàn lù printed circuit
印製路板 yìn zhì diàn lù bǎn printed circuit board
原子能發站 yuán zǐ néng fā diàn zhàn atomic power station
子 fǎn diàn zǐ positron; also called 正電子|正电子[zheng4 dian4 zi3]
弓 shòu diàn gōng pantograph (transportation)
可視話 kě shì diàn huà videophone
台式腦 tái shì diàn nǎo desktop computer
子伏 jí diàn zǐ fú giga electron volt GeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 x 10-10 Joules)
同軸纜 tóng zhóu diàn lǎn coaxial cable
yàn diàn a telegram of condolence
單向流 dān xiàng diàn liú (elec.) unidirectional current; DC; also written 直流[zhi2 liu2]
四號池 sì hào diàn chí AAA battery (Tw); PRC equivalent: 七號電池|七号电池[qi1 hao4 dian4 chi2]
huí diàn to reply to a telegram; to wire back
固定話 gù dìng diàn huà landline telephone; fixed-line telephone
固網信 gù wǎng diàn xìn landline (fixed-line) telecommunications
國家新聞出版廣總局 guó jiā xīn wén chū bǎn guǎng diàn zǒng jú State Administration for Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT); abbr. to 廣電總局|广电总局[Guang3 dian4 Zong3 ju2]
國家力監管委員會 guó jiā diàn lì jiān guǎn wěi yuán huì State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PRC)
國家網公司 guó jiā diàn wǎng gōng sī State Grid Corporation of China
國美器 guó měi diàn qì GOME Electrical Appliances (founded in Beijing, 1987)
國際文傳訊社 guó jì wén chuán diàn xùn shè Interfax, Russian non-governmental news agency
國際信聯盟 guó jì diàn xìn lián méng International Telecommunications Union; ITU
國際話咨詢委員會 guó jì diàn bào diàn huà zī xún wěi yuán huì International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)