
electricity, electric; lightning


  • electricity, electric
  • lightning
  • electric
  • electricity
  • electrical


電 stroke order diagram


超導體 chāo dǎo diàn tǐ superconductor
pǎo diàn electrical leakage
路面車 lù miàn diàn chē (Tw) tram; streetcar
tiào diàn (of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip
shū diàn electricity transmission; to transmit electricity
追風逐 zhuī fēng zhú diàn proceeding at a tremendous pace; getting on like a house on fire
通用器 tōng yòng diàn qì General Electric; GE
通用氣 tōng yòng diàn qì General Electric (GE)
tōng diàn to set up an electric circuit; to electrify; to switch on; to be connected to an electricity grid; open telegram
話 tōng diàn huà to phone sb up
邪典影 xié diǎn diàn yǐng cult film
yóu diàn post and telecommunications
器 pèi diàn qì distributor (automobile)
櫃 pèi diàn guì power cabinet; switch box
站 pèi diàn zhàn power distribution substation
量子動力學 liàng zǐ diàn dòng lì xué quantum electrodynamics QED
鉛酸蓄池 qiān suān xù diàn chí lead-acid accumulator; battery (e.g. in car)
鋰離子池 lǐ lí zǐ diàn chí lithium ion battery
池 lǐ diàn chí lithium battery
長途話 cháng tú diàn huà long-distance call
shǎn diàn lightning; CL:道[dao4]
式結婚 shǎn diàn shì jié hūn lightning wedding; to get married on the spur of the moment; abbr. to 閃婚|闪婚
戰 shǎn diàn zhàn blitzkrieg; blitz
閉路視 bì lù diàn shì closed-circuit television
阿拉伯信聯盟 ā lā bó diàn xìn lián méng Arab Telecommunication Union