
male of species; hero; manly

HSK 5 #1054


  • male of species
  • hero
  • manly
  • male
  • staminate
  • grand
  • imposing
  • powerful
  • mighty
  • person or state having great power and influence


雄 stroke order diagram
雄 stroke order animation


事实胜于辩 shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn Facts speak louder than words. (idiom)
事實勝於辯 shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn Facts speak louder than words. (idiom)
人民英纪念碑 rén mín yīng xióng jì niàn bēi Monument to the People's Heroes, at Tiananmen Square
人民英紀念碑 rén mín yīng xióng jì niàn bēi Monument to the People's Heroes, at Tiananmen Square
儿女英传 ér nǚ yīng xióng zhuàn The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-born Qing dynasty writer 文康[Wen2 Kang1]
兒女英傳 ér nǚ yīng xióng zhuàn The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-born Qing dynasty writer 文康[Wen2 Kang1]
nán xióng Nanxiong county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong
市 nán xióng shì Nanxiong county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong
反英 fǎn yīng xióng antihero
dà xióng great hero; main Buddhist image (in temple)
宝殿 dà xióng bǎo diàn Hall of Great Strength, main hall of a Buddhist temple containing the main image of veneration 大雄[da4 xiong2]
寶殿 dà xióng bǎo diàn Hall of Great Strength, main hall of a Buddhist temple containing the main image of veneration 大雄[da4 xiong2]
jiān xióng person who seeks advancement by any means; career climber; unscrupulous careerist
jiān xióng person who seeks advancement by any means; career climber; unscrupulous careerist
孤胆英 gū dǎn yīng xióng solitary hero; maverick
孤膽英 gū dǎn yīng xióng solitary hero; maverick
射雕英传 shè diāo yīng xióng zhuàn Legend of the Condor Heroes, wuxia (武侠, martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸 and its screen adaptations
射鵰英傳 shè diāo yīng xióng zhuàn Legend of the Condor Heroes, wuxia (武侠, martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸 and its screen adaptations
战国七 zhàn guó qī xióng Seven Powerful States of the Warring States, namely: 齊|齐[Qi2], 楚[Chu3], 燕[Yan1], 韓|韩[Han2], 趙|赵[Zhao4], 魏[Wei4] and 秦[Qin2]
戰國七 zhàn guó qī xióng Seven Powerful States of the Warring States, namely: 齊|齐[Qi2], 楚[Chu3], 燕[Yan1], 韓|韩[Han2], 趙|赵[Zhao4], 魏[Wei4] and 秦[Qin2]
yáng xióng Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 AD), scholar, poet and lexicographer, author of the first Chinese dialect dictionary 方言[Fang1 yan2]
yáng xióng Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 AD), scholar, poet and lexicographer, author of the first Chinese dialect dictionary 方言[Fang1 yan2]
时势造英 shí shì zào yīng xióng Time makes the man (idiom). The trend of events brings forth the hero.
時勢造英 shí shì zào yīng xióng Time makes the man (idiom). The trend of events brings forth the hero.
心 yǒu xióng xīn ambitious