
hide, conceal; hidden, secret


隱 yǐn
  • secret
  • hidden
  • concealed
  • (prefix) crypto-
隱 yìn
  • to lean upon


沒 yǐn mò to vanish gradually; to disappear; to fade out
滅 yǐn miè to fade away; to vanish; to disappear
潭 yǐn tán hidden pond or pool
然 yǐn rán a feint; a hidden way of doing sth
燃 yǐn rán burning with no flame; fire beneath the surface; hidden combustion
現 yǐn xiàn glimpse (of something hidden)
生宙 yǐn shēng zhòu Cryptozoic; geological eon before the appearance of abundant fossils; hidden life, as opposed to Phanerozoic
疾 yǐn jí an unmentionable illness (e.g. venereal disease)
病不報 yǐn bìng bù bào not to tell others of one's illness
痛 yǐn tòng hidden anguish; secret suffering; (medicine) dull pain
睾 yǐn gāo cryptorchidism; undescended testis
瞞 yǐn mán to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to cover up the truth
瞞不報 yǐn mán bù bào to cover up (a matter that should be reported to the authorities)
私 yǐn sī secrets; private business; privacy
私政策 yǐn sī zhèng cè privacy policy
私權 yǐn sī quán privacy right
秘 yǐn mì secret; hidden
秘難言 yǐn mì nán yán too embarrassing to mention
約 yǐn yuē vague; faint; indistinct
約其辭 yǐn yuē qí cí equivocal speech; to use vague or ambiguous language
翅蟲 yǐn chì chóng rove beetle
色 yǐn sè protective coloration (esp. of insects); camouflage
花植物 yǐn huā zhí wù Cryptogamae; cryptogamous plant (botany); plants such as algae 藻類|藻类[zao3 lei4], moss 苔蘚|苔藓[tai2 xian3] and fern 蕨類|蕨类[jue2 lei4] that reproduce by spores 孢子[bao1 zi3] in place of flowers
蔽 yǐn bì to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover
蔽強迫下載 yǐn bì qiǎng pò xià zài drive-by download (a form of malware booby-trap); silent drive-by download