
hide, conceal; hidden, secret


隱 yǐn
  • secret
  • hidden
  • concealed
  • (prefix) crypto-
隱 yìn
  • to lean upon


個人私 gè rén yǐn sī personal privacy; private matters
忽現 hū yǐn hū xiàn intermittent; now you see it, now you don't
cè yǐn compassion; empathetic
之心 cè yǐn zhī xīn compassion
時現 shí yǐn shí xiàn appearing and disappearing (idiom); intermittently visible
時顯時 shí xiǎn shí yǐn appearing and disappearing; intermittently visible
月光遁 yuè guāng yǐn dùn to live in hiding; living as a recluse; to hide from the world
李商 lǐ shāng yǐn Li Shangyin (c. 813-858), Tang poet
guī yǐn to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion
xiāo yǐn to hide; to retreat into privacy
若現 ruò yǐn ruò xiàn faintly discernible (idiom)
gāi yǐn Cain (name); Cain (biblical character), a figure of Judeo-Christian-Muslim mythology
郇山修會 xún shān yǐn xiū huì Priory of Zion (fictional masonic order)
事 yǐn shì a secret
伏 yǐn fú to hide; to lie low
位 yǐn wèi cryptic epitope (immunology, a protein component that becomes effective when activated by antigen)
修 yǐn xiū monasticism
修士 yǐn xiū shì monk (Christian)
修院 yǐn xiū yuàn monastery (Christian); abbey
函數 yǐn hán shù implicit function
匿 yǐn nì to cover up; to hide; to conceal
去 yǐn qù to disappear; to hide
名埋姓 yǐn míng mái xìng to conceal one's identity; living incognito
君子 yǐn jūn zi recluse; hermit; used for homophone 癮君子|瘾君子, opium addict
含 yǐn hán to contain in a concealed form; to keep covered up; implicit
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