
narrow pass, strategic point, dangerous


險 xiǎn
  • danger
  • dangerous
  • rugged


qiǎng xiǎn emergency (measures); to react to an emergency
救災 qiǎng xiǎn jiù zāi to provide relief during times of emergency and disaster (idiom)
據守天 jù shǒu tiān xiǎn to guard a natural stronghold
jù xiǎn to rely on natural barriers (for one's defense)
旅平 lǚ píng xiǎn travel insurance covering medical expenses; abbr. for 旅遊平安險|旅游平安险
有驚無 yǒu jīng wú xiǎn to be more scared than hurt (idiom); to get through a daunting experience without mishap
lì xiǎn to experience adventures
shè xiǎn to take risks; involved in adventure
湯姆・索亞歷記 tāng mǔ ・ suǒ yà lì xiǎn jì Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1]
湯姆索亞歷記 tāng mǔ suǒ yà lì xiǎn jì Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
潛在危度 qián zài wēi xiǎn dù latent hazard
無限風光在峰 wú xiàn fēng guāng zài xiǎn fēng The boundless vista is at the perilous peak (proverb); fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory
真心話大冒 zhēn xīn huà dà mào xiǎn The Moment of Truth (TV show); Truth or Dare (game)
社會保 shè huì bǎo xiǎn social security; abbr. to 社保
總風 zǒng fēng xiǎn aggregate risk
tuō xiǎn to escape (danger); to rescue; to come out alive
脫離危 tuō lí wēi xiǎn out of danger; to avoid danger
jiān xiǎn difficult and dangerous; hardships and perils
艱難阻 jiān nán xiǎn zǔ untold dangers and difficulties (idiom)
財務再保 cái wù zài bǎo xiǎn financial reinsurance; fin re
zǒu xiǎn to take risks; to run risks
yù xiǎn to get into difficulties; to meet with danger
bì xiǎn to flee from danger; to avoid danger; to minimize risk; (finance) hedge
醫療保 yī liáo bǎo xiǎn medical insurance
鋌而走 tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn to take a risk out of desperation (idiom)