suí duò tuǒ tuō

Sui dynasty; surname



隋 suí
  • the Sui dynasty (581-617 AD)
  • surname Sui


隋 stroke order diagram
隋 stroke order animation


代 suí dài Sui dynasty (581-617)
唐 suí táng Sui (581-617) and Tang dynasties (618-907)
唐演义 suí táng yǎn yì Dramatized History of Sui and Tang, novel by Qing dynasty author Chu Renhuo 褚人獲|褚人获[Chu3 Ren2 huo4]
唐演義 suí táng yǎn yì Dramatized History of Sui and Tang, novel by Qing dynasty author Chu Renhuo 褚人獲|褚人获[Chu3 Ren2 huo4]
文帝 suí wén dì first Sui emperor (541-604) Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604
文帝杨坚 suí wén dì yáng jiān first Sui emperor (541-604) Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604
文帝楊堅 suí wén dì yáng jiān first Sui emperor (541-604) Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604
书 suí shū History of the Sui Dynasty, thirteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Wei Zheng 魏徵|魏征[Wei4 Zheng1] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 85 scrolls
書 suí shū History of the Sui Dynasty, thirteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Wei Zheng 魏徵|魏征[Wei4 Zheng1] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 85 scrolls
朝 suí cháo Sui dynasty (581-617)
末 suí mò last years of the Sui dynasty; early 7th century AD
炀帝 suí yáng dì Emperor Yang of Sui (569-618), said to have murdered his father and brother to seize the throne, reigned 604-618
煬帝 suí yáng dì Emperor Yang of Sui (569-618), said to have murdered his father and brother to seize the throne, reigned 604-618
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