
accompany, be with, keep company

HSK 4 #1664


  • accompany, be with, keep company
  • to accompany
  • to keep sb company
  • to assist
  • old variant of 賠|赔[pei2]


陪 stroke order diagram
陪 stroke order animation


床 péi chuáng to look after a hospitalized loved one
产 péi chǎn to be present during childbirth
產 péi chǎn to be present during childbirth
产假 péi chǎn jià paternity leave
產假 péi chǎn jià paternity leave
睡 péi shuì to trade sex for favorable treatment (career advancement, higher grades, rent-free accommodation etc); to sleep in the same bed as one's child
練 péi liàn training partner; sparring partner
罪 péi zuì to apologize; apology
聊 péi liáo to keep sb company for a chat; (esp.) to be a paid escort
葬品 péi zàng pǐn funerary objects (items buried together with the dead)
襯 péi chèn to enhance by contrast; to set off; to serve as a background in order to bring out the subject with greater brilliance; to serve as a prop; a foil
护 péi hù to attend to the needs of (an invalid, disabled person etc); caregiver
護 péi hù to attend to the needs of (an invalid, disabled person etc); caregiver
讀 péi dú to accompany one's child or spouse who is studying overseas; to help a child with their study, reading or practicing together
送 péi sòng dowry; to give as a dowry; to accompany sb
都 péi dū provisional capital of a country (e.g. in time of war); secondary capital; alternative capital