
mountain pass; Shaanxi province


  • mountain pass
  • Shaanxi province
  • abbr. for Shaanxi 陝西|陕西 province


níng shǎn Ningshan County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi
縣 níng shǎn xiàn Ningshan County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi
北 shǎn běi Shanbei, northern Shaanxi province, including Yulin 榆林 and Yan'an 延安, a Holy Land of Mao's revolution 革命聖地|革命圣地
南 shǎn nán Shannan, southern Shaanxi province
甘 shǎn gān Shaanxi and Gansu provinces
甘寧 shǎn gān níng Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces
縣 shǎn xiàn Shan county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan
西 shǎn xī Shaanxi (formerly Shensi), province in northwest China, abbr. 陝|陕[Shan3], capital Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 Shi4]
西大地震 shǎn xī dà dì zhèn the great Shaanxi earthquake of 2nd February 1556 that killed 830,000 people
西師範大學 shǎn xī shī fàn dà xué Shaanxi Normal University
西省 shǎn xī shěng Shaanxi (formerly Shensi) Province in northwest China, abbr. 陝|陕[Shan3], capital Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1]
西科技大學 shǎn xī kē jì dà xué Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
飛集團 shǎn fēi jí tuán Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation (state-owned enterprise)
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