
exhibit, display; plead; a surname

HSK 6 #525


  • exhibit, display
  • plead
  • a surname
  • surname Chen
  • Chen (c. 1045 - 479 BC), a Zhou dynasty state
  • Chen (557-589), one of the Southern Dynasties 南朝[Nan2 Chao2]
  • to lay out
  • to exhibit
  • to display
  • to narrate
  • to state
  • to explain
  • to tell
  • old
  • stale


陈 stroke order diagram
陈 stroke order animation


迹 chén jì past events; relics from a former age; ruins
乏善可 fá shàn kě chén to be nothing to write home about (idiom)
五味杂 wǔ wèi zá chén with complex feelings (idiom)
liù chén food grains (rice, wheat, barley, beans, soybeans, sesame)
南朝 nán cháo chén Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)
布新 tuī chén bù xīn to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate; to go beyond old ideas; advancing all the time
致新 tuī chén zhì xīn see 推陳出新|推陈出新[tui1 chen2 chu1 xin1]
fū chén to give an orderly account; a thorough narrative
明修栈道,暗渡仓 míng xiū zhàn dào , àn dù chén cāng lit. repair the plank road by day while secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河[Wei4 He2] at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3] of Chu); fig. to feign one thing while doing another; to cheat under cover of a diversion
tiáo chén to lay out (an argument) item by item; memorandum to a superior
héng chén to lie in disarray; to cut across; to traverse
鄙见 lì chén bǐ jiàn to state one's humble opinion (idiom)
zhí chén to say straight out; to point out bluntly; to give a straightforward account; to disclose
蒿 jūn chén hāo tarragon
仲琳 chén zhòng lín Xu Zhonglin or Xu Zhonglin 許仲琳|许仲琳 (c. 1567-c. 1620), Ming novelist, to whom the fantasy novel Investure of the Gods 封神演義|封神演义 is attributed, together with Lu Xixing 陸西星|陆西星
伯达 chén bó dá Chen Boda (1904-1989), communist party theorist, interpreter of Maoism
仓 chén cāng ancient name of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市[Bao3 ji1 Shi4], Shaanxi; Chencang district of Baoji City
仓区 chén cāng qū Chencang District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市[Bao3 ji1 Shi4], Shaanxi
元光 chén yuán guāng Chen Yuanguang (657-711), Tang dynasty general with posthumous title 開漳聖王|开漳圣王[Kai1 zhang1 sheng4 wang2], i.e. Sacred King, founder of Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian
其迈 chén qí mài Chen Chi-mai (1964-), Taiwanese DPP politician, vice premier of the Republic of China (2019-)
再道 chén zài dào Chen Zaidao (1909-1993), general in the People's Liberation Army
凯歌 chén kǎi gē Chen Kaige (1952-), Chinese movie director
列台 chén liè tái stall
化 chén huà to age; to mature (wine, timber etc)
厚 chén hòu Peter Chen Ho (1931-1970), Chinese actor