HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 923rd character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.5) |
INDEX # | 916 |
adhere to, append; rely on near to
附 fù |

附近 fù jìn | (in the) vicinity; nearby; neighboring; next to |
附属 fù shǔ | subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated; subordinate; subordinating |
附件 fù jiàn | enclosure; attachment (email); appendix |
附和 fù hè | to agree; to go along with; to echo (what sb says) |
附加 fù jiā | additional; annex |
附带 fù dài | supplementary; incidentally; in parentheses; by chance; in passing; additionally; secondary; subsidiary; to attach |
附着 fù zhuó | to adhere; attachment |
依附 yī fù | to adhere; to attach oneself to; to append |
附上 fù shàng | attached; included herewith |
附属品 fù shǔ pǐn | accessory; affiliated material; adjunct |
附庸 fù yōng | vassal; dependent; subordinate; subservient; appendage |
附注 fù zhù | note; annotation |
吸附 xī fù | to adhere to a surface; to absorb; to draw in; (fig.) to attract; (chemistry) adsorption |
附笔 fù bǐ | postscript |
附录 fù lù | appendix |
附则 fù zé | supplementary provision; bylaw; additional article (law) |
附属物 fù shǔ wù | attachment; appendage |
攀附 pān fù | to climb (of climbing plants); to creep; to cling on to; fig. to seek connection (with the rich and powerful); social climbing |
附加费 fù jiā fèi | surcharge |
牵强附会 qiān qiǎng fù huì | to make an irrelevant comparison or interpretation (idiom) |
黏附 nián fù | to adhere; to stick to |
附着物 fù zhuó wù | fixture (law); attachment |
附加值 fù jiā zhí | added-value (accountancy) |
随声附和 suí shēng fù hè | to parrot other people's words (idiom); to chime in with others |
归附 guī fù | to realign one's allegiance (to another religion, ruler etc); to submit |