tuó duò

steep bank, rough terrain



陀 tuó
  • (phonetic)
  • declivity
  • steep bank


陀 stroke order diagram
陀 stroke order animation


螺 tuó luó spinning top; gyroscope
直布罗 zhí bù luó tuó Gibraltar
阿弥佛 ē mí tuó fó Amitabha Buddha; the Buddha of the Western paradise; may the lord Buddha preserve us!; merciful Buddha!
比勒利亚 bǐ lè tuó lì yà Pretoria, capital of South Africa
fó tuó Buddha (a person who has attained Buddhahood, or specifically Siddhartha Gautama)
南普寺 nán pǔ tuó sì Nanputuo Temple in Xiamen 廈門|厦门[Xia4 men2]
fèi tuó Vedas (Hindu sacred writings or legends)
罗 yīn tuó luó Indra (a Hindu deity)
羅 yīn tuó luó Indra (a Hindu deity)
布洛 bù luò tuó creator god of the Zhuang minority 壯族|壮族[Zhuang4 zu2]
mí tuó Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Paradise; abbr. for 阿彌陀佛|阿弥陀佛; Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
mí tuó Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Paradise; abbr. for 阿彌陀佛|阿弥陀佛; Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
乡 mí tuó xiāng Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
鄉 mí tuó xiāng Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
摩揭 mó jiē tuó Magadha, ancient India kingdom reported to be the birthplace of Buddhism
pǔ tuó Putuo district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang
区 pǔ tuó qū Putuo district, central Shanghai; Putuo district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang
區 pǔ tuó qū Putuo district, central Shanghai; Putuo district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang
山 pǔ tuó shān Mt Potala at Zhoushan 舟山市 in Zhejiang, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bodhimanda of Guanyin 觀音|观音 (Avalokiteśvara)
罗 màn tuó luó flower of north India (Datura stramonium, Sanskrit: mandara), considered sacred and grown in temples, similar to belladonna
羅 màn tuó luó flower of north India (Datura stramonium, Sanskrit: mandara), considered sacred and grown in temples, similar to belladonna
李维史 lǐ wéi shǐ tuó Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), French social anthropologist
李維史 lǐ wéi shǐ tuó Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), French social anthropologist
螺 hé tuó luó nuclear gyroscope
梨俱吠 lí jù fèi tuó Rigveda, Indian religious poem
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