HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 471st character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.5) |
INDEX # | 913 |
prefix for people's names; used in transliteration
阿 ā |
阿 ē |

阿姨 ā yí | maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child); CL:個|个[ge4] |
迈阿密 mài ā mì | Miami (Florida) |
阿门 ā mén | amen (loanword) |
阿曼 ā màn | Oman |
阿富汗 ā fù hàn | Afghanistan; Afghan |
阿拉伯 ā lā bó | Arabian; Arabic; Arab |
阿拉 ā lā | Allah (Arabic name of God); (Wu dialect) my; our; I; we; me; us |
阿姆斯特丹 ā mǔ sī tè dān | Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands |
阿根廷 ā gēn tíng | Argentina |
阿拉斯加 ā lā sī jiā | Alaska, US state |
阿姆斯特朗 ā mǔ sī tè lǎng | surname Armstrong |
阿里 ā lǐ | Ali (proper name); Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (c. 600-661), cousin, aid and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed 穆罕默德, the fourth Caliph 哈里發|哈里发 of Islam, reigned 656-661, and the first Imam 伊瑪目|伊玛目 of Shia Islam; Ngari prefecture in Tibet, Tibetan: Mnga' ris |
阿尔巴尼亚 ā ěr bā ní yà | Albania |
阿司匹林 ā sī pǐ lín | aspirin (loanword) |
阿萨德 ā sà dé | Assad (Arabic name) |
阿波罗 ā bō luó | Apollo (loanword) |
阿尔法 ā ěr fǎ | alpha (Greek letter Αα) |
阿飞 ā fēi | hoodlum; hooligan; young rowdy |
阿瑟 ā sè | Arthur (name) |
沙特阿拉伯 shā tè ā lā bó | Saudi Arabia |
阿诺 ā nuò | Arnold (name); refers to Arnold Schwarzenegger 阿諾·施瓦辛格|阿诺·施瓦辛格[A1 nuo4 · Shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2] |
阿拉伯语 ā lā bó yǔ | Arabic (language) |
阿肯色州 ā kěn sè zhōu | Arkansas, US state |
阿伦 ā lún | Aalen, town in Germany |
阿森纳 ā sēn nà | Arsenal Football Club |