village of twenty-five families



  • village of twenty-five families
  • gate of a village
  • village


闾 stroke order diagram
闾 stroke order animation


吴王阖 wú wáng hé lǘ King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸; also called 吳王闔廬|吴王阖庐
骨 wěi lǘ gǔ coccyx
改换门 gǎi huàn mén lǘ see 改換門庭|改换门庭[gai3 huan4 men2 ting2]
zōng lǘ palm
尾 lǘ wěi coccyx
hé lǘ King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC); also called 闔廬|阖庐
城 hé lǘ chéng capital city of King Helu of Wu from 6th century BC, at modern Wuxi, Jiangsu
城遗址 hé lǘ chéng yí zhǐ ruins of capital city of King Helu of Wu, from 6th century BC, at modern Wuxi, Jiangsu
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