
sluice; flood gate, canal lock



  • sluice
  • flood gate, canal lock
  • old variant of 閘|闸[zha2]
  • sluice
  • lock (on waterway)
  • gear
  • brake
  • electric switch or circuit breaker


闸 stroke order diagram
闸 stroke order animation


门 zhá mén sluice gate
qì zhá pneumatic brake; airlock
diàn zhá electric switch; circuit breaker
口 zhá kǒu area in the Shangcheng district of Hangzhou; open sluice gate; (toll) station; boarding gate (airport etc); (fig.) gateway (access point)
shuǐ zhá sluice; water gate; waterlocks; floodgate; lock; dam
tiào zhá (of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip
chuán zhá a canal lock
xià zhá lower sluice gate; outflow sluice
共同道介面 gòng tóng zhá dào jiè miàn Common Gateway Interface; CGI
shǒu zhá handbrake
xuán zhá rotor sluice gate
气动 qì dòng zhá pneumatic brake
泄洪 xiè hóng zhá sluice-gate; flood discharge valve
gǎng zhá Gangzha district of Nantong city 南通市[Nan2 tong1 shi4], Jiangsu
区 gǎng zhá qū Gangzha district of Nantong city 南通市[Nan2 tong1 shi4], Jiangsu
进水 jìn shuǐ zhá water intake; inlet sluice
北区 zhá běi qū Zhabei district, central Shanghai
盒 zhá hé electric fusebox; switch box
道 zhá dào (computing) gateway (Tw)
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