HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 185th character |
RADICAL | ⾨ (169.0) |
INDEX # | 55 |
gate, door, entrance, opening
门 mén |

专门 zhuān mén | specialist; specialized; customized |
部门 bù mén | department; branch; section; division; CL:個|个[ge4] |
热门 rè mén | popular; hot; in vogue |
窍门 qiào mén | a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing sth) |
开门 kāi mén | to open a door (lit. and fig.); to open for business |
关门 guān mén | to close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently) |
门口 mén kǒu | doorway; gate; CL:個|个[ge4] |
出门 chū mén | to go out; to leave home; to go on a journey; away from home; (of a woman) to get married |
阿门 ā mén | amen (loanword) |
大门 dà mén | the Doors, US rock band; entrance; door; gate; large and influential family |
后门 hòu mén | the back door; fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or pressure); anus |
敲门 qiāo mén | to knock on a door |
上门 shàng mén | to drop in; to visit; to lock a door; (of a shop) to close; to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family |
前门 qián mén | Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2; front door; main entrance; honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter) |
门票 mén piào | ticket (for theater, cinema etc) |
门外 mén wài | outside the door |
门锁 mén suǒ | door lock |
家门 jiā mén | house door; family clan |
车门 chē mén | car door; door of bus, railway carriage etc |
门前 mén qián | in front of the door |
门铃 mén líng | doorbell |
锁门 suǒ mén | to lock the door |
射门 shè mén | (soccer, handball etc) to kick or shoot the ball towards the goal |
把门 bǎ mén | to stand as a goalkeeper; to keep guard on a gate |
门徒 mén tú | disciple |