
open; initiate, begin, start


開 kāi
  • to open
  • to start
  • to turn on
  • to boil
  • to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)
  • to operate (a vehicle)
  • carat (gold)
  • abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]
  • abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format


刀 kāi dāo (of a surgeon) to perform an operation; (of a patient) to have an operation; to decapitate; to behead; to single out as a point of attack
刃 kāi rèn to edge a knife, scissor, sword etc
列 kāi liè to make (a list); to list
初 kāi chū at the outset; at first; early
創 kāi chuàng to initiate; to start; to found
創性 kāi chuàng xìng innovative
動 kāi dòng to start; to set in motion; to move; to march; to dig in (eating); to tuck in (eating)
化 kāi huà to become civilized; to be open-minded; (of ice) to thaw
化縣 kāi huà xiàn Kaihua county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang
區間 kāi qū jiān open interval (in calculus)
印 kāi yìn to start a print run
卷 kāi juàn to open a book; open-book (exam)
卷有益 kāi juàn yǒu yì lit. opening a book is profitable (idiom); the benefits of education
原 kāi yuán Kaiyuan county level city in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭, Liaoning
原市 kāi yuán shì Kaiyuan county level city in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭, Liaoning
原縣 kāi yuán xiàn Kaiyuan county in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭, Liaoning
口 kāi kǒu to open one's mouth; to start to talk
口子 kāi kǒu zi a dike breaks; fig. to provide facilities (for evil deeds); to open the floodgates
口成髒 kāi kǒu chéng zāng (Internet slang) to use foul language (pun on 出口成章[chu1 kou3 cheng2 zhang1])
司米 kāi sī mǐ cashmere (loanword)
吃 kāi chī to start eating
合 kāi hé to open and close
味 kāi wèi whet the appetite
啟 kāi qǐ to open; to start; (computing) to enable
單 kāi dān to bill; to open a tab