
open; initiate, begin, start


開 kāi
  • to open
  • to start
  • to turn on
  • to boil
  • to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)
  • to operate (a vehicle)
  • carat (gold)
  • abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]
  • abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format


chú kāi besides; except; to get rid of (sb); (math.) to divide
gé kāi to separate
雙后前兵局 shuāng hòu qián bīng kāi jú Double Queen Pawn Opening; Closed Game (chess); same as 封閉性開局|封闭性开局
shuāng kāi to strip sb of their Party membership and government job (開除黨籍,開除公職|开除党籍,开除公职)
離不 lí bu kāi inseparable; inevitably linked to
lí kāi to depart; to leave
人世 lí kāi rén shì to die; to leave this world
故鄉 lí kāi gù xiāng to leave one's homeland
非洲發銀行 fēi zhōu kāi fā yín háng African Development Bank
首次公招股 shǒu cì gōng kāi zhāo gǔ initial public offering (IPO)
馬拉波 mǎ lā kāi bō Maracaibo, Venezuela
sōng kāi to release; to let go; to loosen; to untie; to come loose
鳴鑼道 míng luó kāi dào to beat the gong to clear the way; (fig.) to pave the way for sth
點火關 diǎn huǒ kāi guān ignition switch
轟狗 kāi huǐ gǒu unleashing the hounds; figuratively means to take aggressive action against paparazzi or gossipmongers