zhǎng cháng

long; length; excel in; leader

HSK 2 #109


长 zhǎng
  • chief
  • head
  • elder
  • to grow
  • to develop
  • to increase
  • to enhance
长 cháng
  • length
  • long
  • forever
  • always
  • constantly


长 stroke order diagram
长 stroke order animation


野 cháng yě Nagano (name); Nagano city and prefecture in central Japan
日久 tiān cháng rì jiǔ after a long time (idiom)
细水流 xì shuǐ cháng liú lit. thin streams flow forever; fig. economy will get you a long way; to work steadily at something little by little
叹 cháng tàn long sigh; deep sigh
石 cháng shí stone beam; horizontal slab of stone; feldspar or felspar (geology)
篇小说 cháng piān xiǎo shuō novel
一无所 yī wú suǒ cháng not having any special skill; without any qualifications
跑 zhōng cháng pǎo middle distance race
jiǔ cháng a long time
wài zhǎng foreign minister; secretary of state; minister of foreign affairs
chǎng zhǎng factory director
mián cháng long and continuous (coastline, sound etc); extensive; prolonged
gǔ zhǎng person in charge of a 股[gu3] (section or department); head; chief; director; (in a class in a school) student responsible for a specific duty, e.g. 風紀股長|风纪股长[feng1 ji4 gu3 zhang3] discipline monitor
与世辞 yǔ shì cháng cí to die; to depart from the world forever
道短 shuō cháng dào duǎn lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip
三 cháng sān (old) high-class prostitute
势 zhǎng shì how well a crop (or plant) is growing; growth
吁短叹 cháng xū duǎn tàn long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
安 cháng ān Chang'an (ancient name of Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1]) capital of China during Tang Dynasty 唐朝[Tang2 chao2]; now 長安區|长安区[Chang2 an1 Qu1], a district of Xi'an
拳 cháng quán Changquan - Northern Shaolin (北少林) - Longfist - Martial Art
乐 cháng lè Changle county level city in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian; Princess Changle of Western Wei of the Northern dynasties 西魏[Xi1 Wei4], given in marriage c. 545 to Bumin Khan 土門|土门[Tu3 men2]
波 cháng bō longwave (radio)
物 cháng wù (literary) things other than the bare necessities of life; item of some value; Taiwan pr. [zhang4 wu4]
白 cháng bái Changbai Korean autonomous county in Baishan 白山, Jilin
虫 cháng chong (coll.) snake