a saw; to saw; amputate



锯 jù
  • a saw
  • to cut with a saw
锯 jū
  • variant of 鋦|锔[ju1]


锯 stroke order diagram
锯 stroke order animation


木架 jù mù jià a sawhorse
架 jù jià a sawframe
棕榈 jù zōng lǘ saw palmetto (Serenoa repens, a small palm, an extract of whose fruit is used medicinally)
片 jù piàn saw blade
开 jù kāi to saw
齿形 jù chǐ xíng sawtooth shape; zigzag
liàn jù chain saw
鸡尾 jī wěi jù keyhole saw; pad saw
电圆 diàn yuán jù circular saw