HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 757th character |
RADICAL | ⾦ (167.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2309 |
silver; cash, money, wealth
- silver
- cash, money, wealth
- silver
- silver-colored
- relating to money or currency

银行 yín háng | bank; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] |
银色 yín sè | silver (color) |
银河 yín hé | Milky Way; our galaxy |
收银 shōu yín | to receive payment |
银行家 yín háng jiā | banker |
银河系 yín hé xì | Milky Way Galaxy; the galaxy (our galaxy) |
银器 yín qì | silverware |
银币 yín bì | silver coinage |
银幕 yín mù | movie screen |
银子 yín zi | money; silver |
收银机 shōu yín jī | cash register; check out counter |
水银 shuǐ yín | mercury; quicksilver |
金银 jīn yín | gold and silver |
银座 yín zuò | Ginza (district in Tokyo) |
银牌 yín pái | silver medal; CL:枚[mei2] |
银行业 yín háng yè | banking |
银杏 yín xìng | ginkgo (tree with fan-shaped leaves and yellow seeds); maidenhair tree |
世界银行 shì jiè yín háng | World Bank |
银元 yín yuán | flat silver (former coinage); also written 銀圓|银圆; silver dollar |
银发 yín fà | silver hair; gray hair |
白银 bái yín | Baiyin prefecture-level city in Gansu; silver |
银鱼 yín yú | oriental whitebait; slender silvery-white fish e.g. Galaxias maculatus and Salangichthys microdon |
银光 yín guāng | silvery light; bright white light; shining white light |
硝酸银 xiāo suān yín | silver nitrate |
银婚 yín hūn | silver wedding (25th wedding anniversary) |