
frying pan; warming vessel



铛 dāng
  • clank
  • clang
  • sound of metal
铛 chēng
  • frying pan
  • griddle


铛 stroke order diagram
铛 stroke order animation


líng dang little bell; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
入狱 láng dāng rù yù lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom); fig. to be put behind bars; to get jailed
láng dāng iron chains; shackles; (onom.) clank
dāng dāng (onom.) clang; clank of metal; sound of striking a gong
车 dāng dāng chē (coll.) tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956; also written 噹噹車|当当车[dang1 dang1 che1]
bǐng chēng baking pan
玉石 dǐng chēng yù shí lit. to use a sacred tripod as cooking pot and jade as ordinary stone (idiom); fig. a waste of precious material; casting pearls before swine
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