
drill, bore; pierce; diamond

HSK 6 #1724


钻 zuān
  • to drill
  • to bore
  • to get into
  • to make one's way into
  • to enter (a hole)
  • to thread one's way through
  • to study intensively
  • to dig into
  • to curry favor for personal gain
钻 zuàn
  • variant of 鑽|钻[zuan4]
  • an auger
  • diamond


钻 stroke order diagram
钻 stroke order animation


瓶塞 píng sāi zuàn corkscrew
suì zuàn small diamonds; melee (small diamonds used in embellishing mountings for larger gems); splints (sharp-pointed diamond splinters); clatersal (small diamond splints from which diamond powder is produced by crushing)
精灵宝 jīng líng bǎo zuàn treasure of spirits; Silmarillion or Quenta Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金
万头动 wàn tóu zuān dòng milling crowds
螺丝 luó sī zuàn auger; gimlet; screwdriver (cocktail)
xuè zuàn blood diamond; conflict diamond
冲击 chōng jī zuàn impact drill; hammer drill
见缝就 jiàn fèng jiù zuān lit. to squeeze into every crack (idiom); fig. to make the most of every opportunity
井平台 zuān jǐng píng tái (oil) drilling platform
劲 zuān jìn application to the task
卡 zuàn qiǎ drill chuck
圈 zuān quān jumping through hoops (as acrobatic show)
坚仰高 zuān jiān yǎng gāo lit. looking up to it, it gets higher; boring into it, it gets harder (idiom) (from Analects); fig. to delve deeply into one's studies; meticulous and diligent study
压 zuàn yā pressure on a drill bit
心虫 zuān xīn chóng boring insect; snout moth's larva (Aphomia gullaris or Plodia interpuncuella or Heliothus armigera etc), major agricultural pest
故纸堆 zuān gù zhǐ duī to dig into piles of outdated writings (idiom); to study old books and papers
木取火 zuān mù qǔ huǒ to drill wood to make fire
桌子 zuān zhuō zi to crawl under a table (e.g. as a penalty for losing in a card game)
洞 zuān dòng to bore; to burrow; to crawl through a tunnel
营 zuān yíng toadying for personal gain; to curry favor; to study in great depth
版 zuān bǎn to cut a woodblock (e.g. for printing)
牛角 zuān niú jiǎo lit. honing a bull's horn; fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs; same as idiom 鑽牛角尖|钻牛角尖
眼 zuān yǎn to drill a hole; drilling
石王老五 zuàn shí wáng lǎo wǔ highly eligible bachelor; desirable male partner
粉 zuān fěn residue from drilling; slag hill