


  • sickle
  • old variant of 鐮|镰[lian2]
  • variant of 鐮|镰[lian2]
  • scythe
  • sickle


刀 dà lián dāo scythe
guà lián to complete the year's harvest
倉 lián cāng Kamakura city in Kanagawa prefecture 神奈川縣|神奈川县[Shen2 nai4 chuan1 xian4], Japan
倉幕府 lián cāng mù fǔ Kamakura bakufu 1192-1333, the first Japanese samurai shogunate
刀 lián dāo sickle; curved blade to cut grain
刀斧頭 lián dāo fǔ tóu the hammer and sickle (flag of USSR, symbolizing rural and proletarian labor)
刀細胞貧血 lián dāo xì bāo pín xuè sickle cell anemia
形血球貧血症 lián xíng xuè qiú pín xuè zhèng sickle-cell anaemia; sickle-cell disease
狀細胞血症 lián zhuàng xì bāo xuè zhèng sickle cell anemia
翅雞 lián chì jī (bird species of China) Siberian grouse (Falcipennis falcipennis)
長柄大刀 cháng bǐng dà lián dāo scythe
kāi lián to start the harvest
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