spread out, arrange; shop, store; place to sleep, bed


鋪 pù
  • variant of 鋪|铺[pu4]
  • store
  • plank bed
  • place to sleep
  • shop
  • (old) relay station
鋪 pū
  • to spread
  • to display
  • to set up
  • (old) holder for door-knocker


上下 shàng xià pù bunk bed
五金店 wǔ jīn diàn pù hardware store
diào pù suspended bunk
chuáng pù bed
diàn pù store; shop
打地 dǎ dì pù to make one's bed on the floor
蓋 juǎn pū gài to pack and quit; to be sacked
蓋走人 juǎn pū gài zǒu rén to pack one's things and leave
bān pù to arrange (for the dying)
chá pù to conduct a bed check
紫坪 zǐ píng pū Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan
紫坪大壩 zǐ píng pū dà bà Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan
紫坪水庫 zǐ píng pū shuǐ kù Zipingpu Reservoir, Sichuan
tǒng pù a common bed (to sleep many)
ròu pù butcher's shop
wò pù a bed (on a train); a couchette
zhì pù pawn shop
jiǔ pù tavern; wine shop
位 pù wèi bunk; berth
保 pù bǎo shop's guarantee
墊 pū diàn to spread out bedding; bedcover
天蓋地 pū tiān gài dì lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering; omnipresent; of universal importance
子 pù zi store; shop
家 pù jiā store; shop
展 pū zhǎn to spread out
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