
broad-axe, a battle axe, halberd


  • broad-axe, a battle axe, halberd
  • battle-ax


不避斧 bù bì fǔ yuè not trying to avoid the battle-ax (idiom); not afraid of dying in combat; not afraid of being executed
刀鋸斧 dāo jù fǔ yuè knife, saw, ax and hatchet (idiom); facing torture and execution
之誅 fǔ yuè zhī zhū to die by battle-ax (idiom); to be executed
湯鑊 fǔ yuè tāng huò battle-ax and boiling cauldron (idiom); facing torture and execution
白旄黃 bái máo huáng yuè white banner and yellow battle-ax (idiom); refers to military expedition
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