
paper money, bank notes; copy


鈔 chāo
  • money
  • paper money
  • variant of 抄[chao1]


jiǎ chāo counterfeit money; forged note
wěi chāo counterfeit currency
míng chāo false paper money burned as an offering to the dead
票 yìn chāo piào printing money
pò chāo to spend money
zhǐ chāo banknote
měi chāo US dollar bill; greenback
車 yùn chāo chē armored car (for transporting valuables)
票 chāo piào paper money; a bill (e.g. 100 yuan); CL:張|张[zhang1],紮|扎[za1]
qián chāo money
器 yàn chāo qì money counter and counterfeit detection machine
機 yàn chāo jī a device used to check money and detect counterfeit bills
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