
blunt, obtuse; dull; flat; dull-witted


  • blunt, obtuse
  • dull
  • flat
  • dull-witted
  • blunt
  • stupid


味覺遲 wèi jué chí dùn amblygeustia; loss of food taste
思想頑 sī xiǎng wán dùn blunt thinking; apathy
yú dùn stupid; slow-witted
成敗利 chéng bài lì dùn succeed or fail, sharp or blunt (idiom); advantages and disadvantages; success and failure; You win some, you lose some.
chí dùn slow in one's reactions; sluggish (in movement or thought)
翅葦鶯 dùn chì wěi yīng (bird species of China) blunt-winged warbler (Acrocephalus concinens)
角 dùn jiǎo obtuse angle
wán dùn blunt (instrument); stupid; thick-headed
lǔ dùn stupid; slow on the uptake
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