
gold; metals in general; money

HSK 4 #260


金 jīn
  • surname Jin
  • surname Kim (Korean)
  • Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)
  • gold
  • chemical element Au
  • generic term for lustrous and ductile metals
  • money
  • golden
  • highly respected
  • one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]


金 stroke order diagram
金 stroke order animation


剛石 jīn gāng shí diamond; also called 鑽石|钻石[zuan4 shi2]
刚砂 jīn gāng shā carborundum; emery
剛砂 jīn gāng shā carborundum; emery
刚总持 jīn gāng zǒng chí Vajradhara
剛總持 jīn gāng zǒng chí Vajradhara
刚萨埵 jīn gāng sà duǒ Vajrasattva
剛薩埵 jīn gāng sà duǒ Vajrasattva
刚鹦鹉 jīn gāng yīng wǔ macaw
剛鸚鵡 jīn gāng yīng wǔ macaw
匠 jīn jiàng goldsmith
汇兑本位制 jīn huì duì běn wèi zhì gold exchange standard (economics)
匯兌本位制 jīn huì duì běn wèi zhì gold exchange standard (economics)
匮 jīn guì variant of 金櫃|金柜[jin1 gui4]
匱 jīn guì variant of 金櫃|金柜[jin1 gui4]
匮石室 jīn guì shí shì variant of 金櫃石室|金柜石室[jin1 gui4 shi2 shi4]
匱石室 jīn guì shí shì variant of 金櫃石室|金柜石室[jin1 gui4 shi2 shi4]
印 jīn yìn golden seal; characters tattooed on a convict's face
口河 jīn kǒu hé Jinkouhe district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan
口河区 jīn kǒu hé qū Jinkouhe district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan
口河區 jīn kǒu hé qū Jinkouhe district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan
史 jīn shǐ History of the Jurchen Jin Dynasty, twenty second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed under Toktoghan 脫脫|脱脱[Tuo1 tuo1] in 1345 during the Yuan Dynasty 元[Yuan2], 135 scrolls
合歡 jīn hé huān acacia
喉拟啄木鸟 jīn hóu nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) golden-throated barbet (Megalaima franklinii)
喉擬啄木鳥 jīn hóu nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) golden-throated barbet (Megalaima franklinii)
国汗 jīn guó hán the Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-); the Manchu khanate or kingdom that took over as the Qing dynasty in 1644