
gold; metals in general; money

HSK 4 #260


金 jīn
  • surname Jin
  • surname Kim (Korean)
  • Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)
  • gold
  • chemical element Au
  • generic term for lustrous and ductile metals
  • money
  • golden
  • highly respected
  • one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]


金 stroke order diagram
金 stroke order animation


鹃 cuì jīn juān (bird species of China) Asian emerald cuckoo (Chrysococcyx maculatus)
鵑 cuì jīn juān (bird species of China) Asian emerald cuckoo (Chrysococcyx maculatus)
联合国儿童基会 lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì United Nations Children's Fund; UNICEF
聯合國兒童基會 lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì United Nations Children's Fund; UNICEF
股本比率 gǔ běn jīn bǐ lǜ equity ratio
衣紫 yāo jīn yī zǐ golden seal at the waist, purple gown (idiom); in official position
自然科学基会 zì rán kē xué jī jīn huì natural science fund
自然科學基會 zì rán kē xué jī jīn huì natural science fund
自由软件基会 zì yóu ruǎn jiàn jī jīn huì Free Software Foundation
自由軟件基會 zì yóu ruǎn jiàn jī jīn huì Free Software Foundation
山 jiù jīn shān San Francisco, California
油 wàn jīn yóu Tiger Balm (medicine); jack of all trades (and master of none)(slang)
达 sū jīn dá Sukinda, Indian city
達 sū jīn dá Sukinda, Indian city
蚂蚁服 mǎ yǐ jīn fú Ant Financial Services Group, an affiliate company of Alibaba 阿里巴巴[A1 li3 ba1 ba1]
螞蟻服 mǎ yǐ jīn fú Ant Financial Services Group, an affiliate company of Alibaba 阿里巴巴[A1 li3 ba1 ba1]
dìng jīn an initial payment; earnest money; deposit
shì jīn assay
shì jīn assay
石 shì jīn shí touchstone; fig. test that sth is genuine
kè jīn tax levied on a conquered people by an army; fee for a divination session; variant of 氪金[ke4 jin1], in-app purchase (gaming)
kè jīn tax levied on a conquered people by an army; fee for a divination session; variant of 氪金[ke4 jin1], in-app purchase (gaming)
变形刚 biàn xíng jīn gāng Transformers (franchise)
變形剛 biàn xíng jīn gāng Transformers (franchise)
屬 guì jīn shǔ precious metal