cure, heal; doctor, medical


醫 yī
  • medical
  • medicine
  • doctor
  • to cure
  • to treat


上海第二科大學 shàng hǎi dì èr yī kē dà xué Shanghai Second Medical University
上海科大學 shàng hǎi yī kē dà xué Shanghai Medical University
中西 zhōng xī yī Chinese and Western medicine; a doctor trained in Chinese and Western medicine
中西結合 zhōng xī yī jié hé to combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine
zhōng yī traditional Chinese medical science; a doctor trained in Chinese medicine
學 zhōng yī xué traditional Chinese medicine; TCM
主治師 zhǔ zhì yī shī doctor-in-charge; resident physician
久病成良 jiǔ bìng chéng liáng yī long illness makes the patient into a good doctor (idiom)
久病成 jiǔ bìng chéng yī (proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor
以藥養 yǐ yào yǎng yī "drugs serving to nourish doctors", perceived problem in PRC medical practice
保外就 bǎo wài jiù yī to release for medical treatment (of a prisoner)
傳統中國藥 chuán tǒng zhōng guó yī yào Chinese traditional medicine
傳統藥 chuán tǒng yī yào Chinese traditional medicine
內科生 nèi kē yī shēng medical doctor; physician who works primarily by administering drugs, as opposed to surgeon 外科醫生|外科医生[wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1]
全科生 quán kē yī shēng general practitioner
公費療 gōng fèi yī liáo medical treatment at public expense
再生學 zài shēng yī xué regenerative medicine
分子學 fēn zǐ yī xué molecular medicine
北京中藥大學 běi jīng zhōng yī yào dà xué Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
另類療 lìng lèi yī liáo alternative medicine
同濟科大學 tóng jì yī kē dà xué Tongji Medical College
míng yī famous doctor
國際療中心 guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn International Medical Center
外科生 wài kē yī shēng surgeon; as opposed to physician 內科醫生|内科医生[nei4 ke1 yi1 sheng1], who works primarily by administering drugs
tài yī imperial physician
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