
neighbor; neighborhood


鄰 lín
  • neighbor
  • adjacent
  • close to
  • variant of 鄰|邻[lin2]


區 lín qū neighborhood; vicinity
右 lín yòu neighbor
國 lín guó bordering country; neighbor country; neighboring countries; surrounding countries
域 lín yù (math.) neighborhood (in a topological space)
家 lín jiā next-door neighbor; neighboring household; adjacent country (short for 鄰接的國家|邻接的国家[lin2 jie1 de5 guo2 jia1])
居 lín jū neighbor; next door; CL:個|个[ge4]
左 lín zuǒ neighbor
座 lín zuò person in next seat; adjacent seat; neighbor
接 lín jiē adjacent; next to
水 lín shuǐ Linshui county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan
水縣 lín shuǐ xiàn Linshui county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan
睦 lín mù to be on friendly terms
舍 lín shè neighbor; person next door
苯二甲酸酯 lín běn èr jiǎ suān zhǐ phthalate (chemistry)
苯醌 lín běn kūn 1,2-benzoquinone (chemistry); ortho-benzoquinone
近 lín jìn neighboring; adjacent; near; vicinity
邦 lín bāng neighboring state; adjacent country
里 lín lǐ neighbor; neighborhood
gāo lín distinguished neighbor (honorific)