
state in today's Henan; surname


  • state in today's Henan
  • surname
  • Zheng state during the Warring States period
  • surname Zheng
  • abbr. for 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1]


nán zhèng Nanzheng County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi
縣 nán zhèng xiàn Nanzheng County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi
xīn zhèng Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan
市 xīn zhèng shì Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan
lín zhèng Carrie Lam (1957-), chief executive of Hong Kong 2017-, full name 林鄭月娥|林郑月娥[Lin2 Zheng4 Yue4 e2] Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor
長成品油管道 lán zhèng cháng chéng pǐn yóu guǎn dào Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha oil pipeline
長管道 lán zhèng cháng guǎn dào Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha oil pipeline
人爭年 zhèng rén zhēng nián Men of Zheng fighting over their respective ages (idiom); a futile quarrel
伊健 zhèng yī jiàn Ekin Cheng (1967-), Hong Kong actor and pop singer
光祖 zhèng guāng zǔ Zheng Guangzu, Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 雜劇|杂剧 tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan dramatists 元曲四大家
和 zhèng hé Zheng He (1371-1433), famous early Ming dynasty admiral and explorer
國渠 zhèng guó qú Zhengguo canal, a 150 km long irrigation canal in Shaanxi built in 264 BC
夢準 zhèng mèng zhǔn Chung Mongjoon (1951-), Korean magnate and the founder of Hyundai 現代
州 zhèng zhōu Zhengzhou prefecture level city and capital of Henan Province in central China
州大學 zhèng zhōu dà xué Zhengzhou University
州市 zhèng zhōu shì Zhengzhou prefecture level city and capital of Henan Province in central China
幸娟 zhèng xìng juān Zheng Xingjuan (1989-), Chinese athlete, lady high jumper
成功 zhèng chéng gōng Koxinga (1624-1662), military leader
易里 zhèng yì lǐ Zheng Yili (1906-2002), translator, editor and lexicographer, creator of the Zheng coding
玄 zhèng xuán Zheng Xuan (127-200), late Han scholar
碼 zhèng mǎ Zheng coding; original Chinese character coding based on component shapes, created by Zheng Yili 鄭易里|郑易里[Zheng4 Yi4 li3], underlying most stroke-based Chinese input methods; also called common coding 字根通用碼|字根通用码[zi4 gen1 tong1 yong4 ma3]
裕玲 zhèng yù líng Carol "Dodo" Cheng Yu-Ling (1957-), Hong Kong actress and TV host
重 zhèng zhòng serious; solemn
重其事 zhèng zhòng qí shì serious about the matter
yǎ zhèng ceremonial court music
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