
administrative division



  • administrative division
  • canton
  • county
  • region


郡 stroke order diagram
郡 stroke order animation


格洛斯特 gé luò sī tè jùn Gloucestershire county in southwest England
林肯 lín kěn jùn Lincolnshire (English county)
白金汉 bái jīn hàn jùn Buckinghamshire (English county)
吉州 jí zhōu jùn Kilju county in North Hamgyeong province, North Korea
威尔特 wēi ěr tè jùn Wiltshire (English county)
威爾特 wēi ěr tè jùn Wiltshire (English county)
日南 rì nán jùn Han dynasty province in Vietnam
柏克 bó kè jùn Berkshire (English county)
乐浪 lè làng jùn Lelang commandery (108 BC-313 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea
樂浪 lè làng jùn Lelang commandery (108 BC-313 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea
永嘉 yǒng jiā jùn Yongjia prefecture in Zhejiang
汉四 hàn sì jùn four Han commanderies in north Korea 108 BC-c. 300 AD
漢四 hàn sì jùn four Han commanderies in north Korea 108 BC-c. 300 AD
玄菟 xuán tù jùn Xuantu commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea
白金漢 bái jīn hàn jùn Buckinghamshire (English county)
真番 zhēn pān jùn Zhenpan commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea
约克 yuē kè jùn Yorkshire (English region)
約克 yuē kè jùn Yorkshire (English region)
临屯 lín tún jùn Lintun commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea
臨屯 lín tún jùn Lintun commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea
莱斯特 lái sī tè jùn Leicestershire, English county
萊斯特 lái sī tè jùn Leicestershire, English county
萨里 sà lǐ jùn Surrey (county in south England)
薩里 sà lǐ jùn Surrey (county in south England)
萨默塞特 sà mò sāi tè jùn Somerset county in southwest England
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