xié shé

wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox



邪 xié
  • old variant of 邪[xie2]
  • demonic
  • iniquitous
  • nefarious
  • evil
  • unhealthy influences that cause disease (Chinese medicine)
  • (coll.) strange
  • abnormal


邪 stroke order diagram
邪 stroke order animation


zhèng xié opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny 邪氣|邪气[xie2 qi4] (TCM)
相争 zhèng xié xiāng zhēng term in TCM describing the progress of disease as an opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny 邪氣|邪气[xie2 qi4]
相爭 zhèng xié xiāng zhēng term in TCM describing the progress of disease as an opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny 邪氣|邪气[xie2 qi4]
歪門道 wāi mén xié dào dishonest practices
歪风气 wāi fēng xié qì noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends
歪風氣 wāi fēng xié qì noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends
消灾避 xiāo zāi bì xié to avoid calamities and evil spirits
消災避 xiāo zāi bì xié to avoid calamities and evil spirits
wú xié without guilt
wú xié without guilt
bìng xié pathogeny (cause of disease) in TCM; as opposed to vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4]
qū xié to exorcise; to drive away evil spirits
除灾 qū xié chú zāi to drive away demons to prevent calamity (idiom)
除災 qū xié chú zāi to drive away demons to prevent calamity (idiom)
chán xié lies and slander; malicious calumny
chán xié lies and slander; malicious calumny
不敌正 xié bù dí zhèng good will always triumph over evil (idiom)
不敵正 xié bù dí zhèng good will always triumph over evil (idiom)
乎 xié hu extraordinary; severe; exaggerated; overstated; fantastic; incredible
僻 xié pì abnormal; improper; beyond the pale
典电影 xié diǎn diàn yǐng cult film
典電影 xié diǎn diàn yǐng cult film
径 xié jìng depraved life; evil ways; fornication
徑 xié jìng depraved life; evil ways; fornication
惡 xié è sinister; vicious; wicked; evil