HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 38th character |
RADICAL | ⾢ (163.4) |
INDEX # | 564 |
that, that one, those
那 nà |
那 nuó |
那 nǎ |
那 nā |

刹那 chà nà | an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye |
那么 nà me | like that; in that way; or so; so; so very much; about; in that case |
那个 nà ge | that one; that thing; that (as opposed to this); (used before a verb or adjective for emphasis); (used to humorously or indirectly refer to sth embarrassing, funny etc, or when one can't think of the right word); (used in speech as a filler, similar to "umm", "you know" etc); (euph.) menstruation; sex; also pr. [nei4 ge5] |
那些 nà xiē | those |
那样 nà yàng | that kind; that sort |
那里 nà li | there; that place; also written 那裡|那里 |
那儿 nà r | there |
那边 nà bian | over there; yonder |
那天 nà tiān | that day; the other day |
那种 nà zhǒng | that; that kind of; that sort of; that type of |
那时 nà shí | then; at that time; in those days |
亚利桑那州 yà lì sāng nà zhōu | Arizona |
哈瓦那 hā wǎ nà | Havana, capital of Cuba |
亚利桑那 yà lì sāng nà | Arizona |
辛辛那提 xīn xīn nà tí | Cincinnati, Ohio |
巴塞罗那 bā sài luó nà | Barcelona |
路易斯安那州 lù yì sī ān nà zhōu | Louisiana, US state |
那不勒斯 nà bù lè sī | Napoli, capital of Campania region of Italy; Naples |
热那亚 rè nà yà | Genoa |
关塔那摩湾 guān tǎ nà mó wān | Guantanamo Bay (in Cuba) |
那阵子 nà zhèn zi | at that time; then |
那曲 nǎ qū | Nagchu town and prefecture in central Tibet |
圭亚那 guī yà nà | Guyana |
支那 zhī nà | phonetic transcription of China (Japanese: Shina), colonial term, generally considered discriminatory |
萨那 sà nà | Sana'a, capital of Yemen |