avoid; turn aside; escape; hide

HSK 5 #991


  • avoid
  • turn aside
  • escape
  • hide
  • to avoid
  • to shun
  • to flee
  • to escape
  • to keep away from
  • to leave
  • to hide from


避 stroke order diagram
避 stroke order animation


让 bì ràng to avoid; to yield (in traffic); to get out of the way
嫌 bì xián to avoid arousing suspicion
不可 bù kě bì unavoidable
斧钺 bù bì fǔ yuè not trying to avoid the battle-ax (idiom); not afraid of dying in combat; not afraid of being executed
斧鉞 bù bì fǔ yuè not trying to avoid the battle-ax (idiom); not afraid of dying in combat; not afraid of being executed
艰险 bù bì jiān xiǎn shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger; make light of difficulties and dangers
艱險 bù bì jiān xiǎn shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger; make light of difficulties and dangers
子宫内孕器 zǐ gōng nèi bì yùn qì intrauterine device (IUD)
子宮內孕器 zǐ gōng nèi bì yùn qì intrauterine device (IUD)
揚長短 yáng cháng bì duǎn to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom); to play to one's strengths
政治难 zhèng zhì bì nàn political asylum
政治難 zhèng zhì bì nàn political asylum
消灾邪 xiāo zāi bì xié to avoid calamities and evil spirits
消災邪 xiāo zāi bì xié to avoid calamities and evil spirits
guī bì to evade; to dodge
zǒu bì to run away; to escape; to avoid
趋吉凶 qū jí bì xiōng to seek luck and avoid calamity (idiom)
趨吉凶 qū jí bì xiōng to seek luck and avoid calamity (idiom)
球 duǒ bì qiú dodgeball
huí bì variant of 迴避|回避[hui2 bi4]; to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc)
退三捨 tuì bì sān shè lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of superior strength; a strategic withdrawal
逃灾难 táo zāi bì nàn to seek refuge from calamities
逃災難 táo zāi bì nàn to seek refuge from calamities
责任 táo bì zé rèn to evade responsibility; to shirk
責任 táo bì zé rèn to evade responsibility; to shirk