
distant, remote, far; profound


遠 yuǎn
  • far
  • distant
  • remote
  • (intensifier in a comparison) by far
  • much (lower etc)
遠 yuàn
  • to distance oneself from (classical)


遠 stroke order diagram


biān yuǎn far from the center; remote; outlying
zhèn yuǎn Zhenyuan county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou
縣 zhèn yuǎn xiàn Zhenyuan county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou
長轡馭 cháng pèi yuǎn yù to control from a distance (idiom)
cháng yuǎn long-term; long-range
kāi yuǎn Kaiyuan county level city in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
市 kāi yuǎn shì Kaiyuan county level city in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
雙筒望鏡 shuāng tǒng wàng yuǎn jìng binoculars
jìng yuǎn Jingyuan county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 yin2], Gansu
縣 jìng yuǎn xiàn Jingyuan county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 yin2], Gansu
馬致 mǎ zhì yuǎn Ma Zhiyuan (c. 1250-1321), Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 雜劇|杂剧[za2 ju4] tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan Dramatists 元曲四大家[Yuan2 qu3 Si4 Da4 jia1]
wù yuǎn overambitious
高瞻矚 gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the long and broad view; acute foresight
高舉蹈 gāo jǔ yuǎn dǎo to leave office for a high and distant place (idiom); to retire and place oneself above the fray
gāo yuǎn lofty
高飛走 gāo fēi yuǎn zǒu to fly high and run far (idiom); to leave in a hurry for a distance place
習相 xí xiāng yuǎn Through practice and learning, people's habits and behaviors become more distinct and divergent from each other.