hand over, deliver; substitute


遞 dì
  • to hand over
  • to pass on sth
  • to gradually increase or decrease
  • progressively


一個 yī dì yī gè one after another
一聲 yī dì yī shēng (of singers etc) one answering the other
chuán dì to transmit; to pass on to sb else; (math.) transitive
者 chuán dì zhě messenger; transmitter (of information)
力傳 lì chuán dì mechanical transmission
力學傳 lì xué chuán dì mechanical transmission
chéng dì to present; to submit
jì dì delivery (of mail)
zhuān dì special delivery; courier
kuài dì express delivery
tóu dì to deliver
員 tóu dì yuán courier; mailman
搬唇舌 bān chún dì shé to pass on stories (idiom); to sow dissension; to blab; to tell tales
敦豪快 dūn háo kuài dì DHL
敦豪快公司 dūn háo kuài dì gōng sī DHL
gēng dì to change; to substitute
特快專 tè kuài zhuān dì express mail
聯邦快 lián bāng kuài dì FedEx
zhuǎn dì to pass on; to relay
sù dì courier
交 dì jiāo to present; to give; to hand over; to hand in; to lay before
加 dì jiā progressively increasing
升 dì shēng to ascend progressively
增 dì zēng to increase by degrees; in increasing order; incremental; progressive
嬗 dì shàn to change progressively
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