
afar, distant; old, advanced in



  • afar, distant
  • old, advanced in
  • distant
  • long-lasting
  • to abandon


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想 xiá xiǎng reverie; daydream; to be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts
闻名迩 wén míng xiá ěr to be famous far and wide (idiom)
思 xiá sī to fancy from afar; reverie; wild and fanciful thoughts
shēng xiá to pass away (of an emperor)
名驰迩 míng chí xiá ěr To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)
名馳邇 míng chí xiá ěr To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)
室迩人 shì ěr rén xiá to long for sb far away; to grieve over the dead
室邇人 shì ěr rén xiá to long for sb far away; to grieve over the dead
松鹤龄 sōng hè xiá líng longevity
松鶴齡 sōng hè xiá líng longevity
dēng xiá death of an emperor
聞名邇 wén míng xiá ěr to be famous far and wide (idiom)
huāng xiá remote region
布 xiá bù to spread far and wide
年 xiá nián a great age
心 xiá xīn the wish to abandon or keep aloof; the desire to live in retirement
志 xiá zhì lofty ambition; lofty aspiration
方 xiá fāng distant places; distant lands
弃 xiá qì to cast away; to reject; to shun; to desert one's post
棄 xiá qì to cast away; to reject; to shun; to desert one's post
眺 xiá tiào to stretch one's sight as far as possible
祉 xiá zhǐ lasting blessings; lasting happiness
福 xiá fú great and lasting happiness; lasting blessings
终 xiá zhōng forever
終 xiá zhōng forever
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