
luck, fortune; ship, transport


  • luck, fortune
  • ship, transport
  • to move
  • to transport
  • to use
  • to apply
  • fortune
  • luck
  • fate


會 dōng yùn huì winter games
冰上動 bīng shàng yùn dòng ice-sports
匠心獨 jiàng xīn dú yùn original and ingenious (idiom); to show great creativity
è yùn bad luck; misfortune; adversity
反右動 fǎn yòu yùn dòng Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957
反袁動 fǎn yuán yùn dòng opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 護國爭|护国争 1915-1916; same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争
古文動 gǔ wén yùn dòng cultural movement aspiring to study and emulate classic works, at different periods of history, esp. Tang and Song
台北捷 tái běi jié yùn Taipei Metro
diào yùn to transport by crane; to convey
mìng yùn fate; destiny; CL:個|个[ge4]
qǐ yùn to ship (goods)
會 ō yùn huì see 奧運會|奥运会[Ao4 yun4 hui4]
è yùn variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4]
四清動 sì qīng yùn dòng the Four Cleanups Movement (1963-66), which aimed to cleanse the politics, economy, organization and ideology of the Communist Party
圈地動 quān dì yùn dòng Enclosure Movement
guó yùn fate of the nation
國際共產主義動 guó jì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì yùn dòng Comintern; the international communist movement
國際航空輸協會 guó jì háng kōng yùn shū xié huì International Air Transport Association (IATA)
國際貨代理 guó jì huò yùn dài lǐ international transport agency
地殼動 dì qiào yùn dòng crustal movement; movement of tectonic plates
城市動會 chéng shì yùn dòng huì National Intercity Games, Chinese athletics competition, organized every four years since 1988
會 chéng yùn huì abbr. for 城市運動會|城市运动会[Cheng2 shi4 Yun4 dong4 hui4]
huài yùn bad luck; misfortune
多工作 duō gōng yùn zuò multithreading
大眾捷 dà zhòng jié yùn mass rapid transit MRT