flee, escape, break loose



  • flee, escape, break loose
  • to escape
  • leisurely
  • outstanding


逸 stroke order diagram
逸 stroke order animation


事遗闻 yì shì yí wén variant of 軼事遺聞|轶事遗闻[yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2]
事遺聞 yì shì yí wén variant of 軼事遺聞|轶事遗闻[yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2]
尘 yì chén outstanding; above the common; out of the ordinary
塵 yì chén outstanding; above the common; out of the ordinary
尘断鞅 yì chén duàn yāng lit. kicking up the dust and breaking the harness; fig. to ride like the wind (idiom)
塵斷鞅 yì chén duàn yāng lit. kicking up the dust and breaking the harness; fig. to ride like the wind (idiom)
宕 yì dàng dissolute
散 yì sàn to vaporize; to dispel
乐 yì lè pleasure-seeking
樂 yì lè pleasure-seeking
民 yì mín recluse; hermit
致 yì zhì carefree; in the mood for enjoyment
緻 yì zhì carefree; in the mood for enjoyment
群 yì qún above the common; outstanding; excelling; preeminent
聞 yì wén variant of 軼聞|轶闻[yi4 wen2]
荡 yì dàng dissolute
蕩 yì dàng dissolute
话 yì huà rumor; anecdote (not in the official record); apocryphal story
話 yì huà rumor; anecdote (not in the official record); apocryphal story
豫 yì yù idleness and pleasure
夫 shào yì fū Run Run Shaw (1907-2014), Hong Kong movie and television tycoon
xián yì comfort and leisure
xián yì comfort and leisure
yǐn yì to live in seclusion; reclusive; hermit; recluse
yǐn yì to live in seclusion; reclusive; hermit; recluse